Sheet Metal Enclosure >> Sheet Metal Electronic Enclosure |
Sheet Metal Electronic Enclosure |
Start excels in the design and fabrication of precision sheet metal enclosures for electronic industry. Start can also provide assemblies service to install wire harnesses and cable in the sheet metal enclosures. |
Main Characteristics of Sheet Metal Electronic Enclosure |
- Materials: aluminum, brass, stainless steel and carbon steel
- Processes: punching, blanking, embossing, bending and coining
- Finish: powder coating, liquid painting, galvanizing or silk screening
- Industries Served:
electronics, medical, aerospace and security
- Visual and dimensional inspections to ensure accuracy and consistency criteria
- Provide assemblies service to install wire harnesses and cable
Keywords: custom aluminum parts, sheet metal component, electronic enclosures, custom metal enclosures, sheet metal boxes |
Custom Sheet Metal Enclosure for Industrial and Commercial Applications |